Scout is becoming quite the food snob. A couple of months ago, I bought a small container of duck pate – when I opened it, it turned out not to be to my taste. It wasn’t awful, but I didn’t like it and I have a rule about fattening food and alcohol. If I’m not really really enjoying it, I won’t eat it. As opposed to, say, more normal food like crackers, or maybe a tin of soup. If I truly hate the flavour of something , of course I won’t eat it, but if it’s just not my favourite, well, I won’t waste the food. I eat it and just don’t buy that brand again. Whereas with fattening foods or alcohol, if I’m not absolutely loving it, waste be damned – out it goes.
So back to the rich, fattening, but not greatest duck pate. I gave it to the dog. Not all at once, but for the last two weeks of March, her highness had a tablespoon of bloody expensive duck pate mixed into her kibble. (As my Dad used to say, “most spoiled dog in the world”.)
The other day LL & I bought some crab mousse. It was pricey, and from a well known high-end highland producer. But it tasted awful – it even smelled awful. Neither of us liked it. So LL did some research and yes, in small quantities, dogs can have crab. I put about a tablespoon in her breakfast just now. She won’t eat it. Just walked away. This is a dog who will eat roadkill and goose poop, and she’s turning her back on ‘Luxury Orkney Crab Terrine’.