So, it seems that as well as cardboard coffee cups (see previous post), there are other things you can burn in a microwave. I had leeks pan-grilling on the stove, so it took me a minute or two to realize the burnt smell was coming from inside the microwave. I had thought, “Potatoes bake well in a microwave; they’re root vegetables. Surely that’s transferable to other root vegetables.”
And I’m sure it is. But, a useful piece of information for the future: if you do not take off the long, thin, wispy root end at the bottom of a beet, it will burn. If you put three untrimmed beets in the microwave for longer than four minutes, all three of the wispy roots will burn. As in there will be flames. Little ones, granted, but flames nonetheless.
So, instead of a roasted beet salad with my homemade orange and garlic mayonnaise, and grilled leeks with a hot-smoked salmon garnish for lunch today, I will be having a bowl of ramen.
And I will finish cooking the beets for tonight’s dinner once I am done sulking.
Thank God for Ramen!!!