I lay awake the other night thinking about the fact that it’s 60 days now until D-Day (M-Day for moving? S-Day for Scotland?), and I have a freezer and pantry full of food that needs to be consumed. The last I heard the foodbanks still weren’t accepting food items , only financial donations, and I hate the idea of food going to waste. So it’s time to ramp things up: no more yoghurt or toast for breakfast from now on. But really, most of the food in the pantry isn’t what you would normally call breakfast food.
Yesterday I had miso dashi soup for breakfast (nothing wrong with that, an entire country often has miso soup in the morning, but it’s not my usual fare). The day before it was porridge (again, nothing wrong with porridge for breakfast, but it is July and it was already over 25 degrees by the time I sat down to a steaming bowl of oatmeal). And today was tuna salad stuffed in a tomato (now that is just plain weird). At least you can’t say I’m not eating healthy.
Edit: Wrote to the local foodbank who advised me that yes, they are indeed accepting packaged and canned foods again, so I can lift my foot off the all-must-be-consumed gas pedal. Whew – I was starting to wonder how I was going to incorporate canned peaches, smoked mackerel, and couscous into a tasty breakfast.
Yikes! Peaches and couscous for breakfast! Not an appetizing thought. However, isn’t mackerel what you are supposed to eat every day in Scotland?