Updates: Dog & Georgetown

It seems Scout’s two last days in Braidwood after I fled the country were delightful: cuddles, country walks, too many treats. Then the transport began, and while I still am glad I will NEVER have to deal with that UK animal transport company again, I will say they did a good job of keeping me up to date on Scout’s progress. She made it to Toronto safe & sound, and a kind friend offered to take me in her truck to pick up Scout & her massive crate. She is re-united with her brother and her cousin, and all is good.
I’m loving being back, driving with confidence (altho I REALLY have to stop speeding on country roads – it’s not intentional, it’s just that the last 27 months of UK speed limits seem to have settled in my right foot), happy to be on roads and routes I know, even in spite of the construction and snow flurries.
Still no suitcase. Aer Lingus is diligent in keeping me informed – a phone call every morning from a different young man confirming that the hunt continues, then asking me to confirm the same contact info over, and over. I live in hope.
I will be here in Georgetown for another week, helping sort out my sister’s new house, and re-connecting with friends.
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