
Lockdown 1 Year Anniversary

Pretty much one year to the day since I went into lockdown.  Dear God.

Selfie Stand

I really want to get my Passport app going.  Asked CH to come over and take pictures inside my house, everyone masked, socially distanced, etc.  She was so helpful!  Unfortunately, the pictures she took didn’t work for one reason or another, but after chatting with her, I realised I could set up a ‘selfie stand’ (tablet on boxes on books on crate on table on table) in my office when the outdoor lighting was just right coming through the windows, and do my own selfies at any time of the day without bugging others or getting too near people.  Over 30 photos later, I got one that the UK passport office accepted – we’re off!

Their criteria for citizenship is interesting: born before 1983 (yep); proof that father was born in UK (not mother – seems quite patriarchal); and he had to have been married to my mother at the time of my birth (how judgmental).

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January 2021

I have been putting off my Passport application because I assumed I would have to go to an accredited photography shop for my pics.  But the UK website lets you take your own photo and submit it!?!

Just had BR come from next door and take some passport pictures in the garage.  Sadly they were all rejected due to lighting.  I’m not comfortable asking anyone to come into my house at the moment.  I joke about the most recent lockdown, but our numbers are not good right now.  Better than numbnut’s results in the US, but still bad.

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Investigation begins: February, 2020

Okay, this is the month I get down to it.  Am investigating OHIP – looking good; CRA re taxes – looks like zero impact there; and just got off the phone with a v nice lady from the Orkney Housing Assoc. 

Seems I had been looking at the wrong websites (tourist self-catering vs long term rentals), and 1 bedroom rents in Kirkwall are closer to £400/month ($700CAD). Whew.  Will call a private housing agency tomorrow.

Just found this on Youtube: reminds me a little of the Americans’ approach to Canada when Trump won: Moving To Scotland

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House Hunting: January 2020

Spent last night looking at Orkney houses for sale (more expensive than expected) and flats to rent (fewer than hoped for) for sale. One appealed to me solely because of its name: The Old Tractor Shed. And that’s exactly what it was – a stone shed with a slate roof.  You don’t see that in Southern Ontario.

The next one was in Birsay and was pretty much a stone’s throw from where we scattered the Parental Units.  Sanday seems to have houses for sale by the dozens.  But I want the mainland, in town. Either Kirkwall or Stromness. Kirkwall is bigger, with amenities (library, grocery stores, hospital, etc). Stromness is smaller and very picturesque.

I did see one cute 1-bedroom flat (with garage! and small yard) on the New Scapa Road.  Price was right too.  But that would be putting the cart waaaaay before the horse.  Lots to investigate, lots to do before I even consider buying.

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Getting Started: January 2020

Just wrote SP re the financial intricacies of moving to UK.  Hopefully he will have time to share some insights.

Sibling 1 has advised me that I can’t take a misanthropic perspective on hosting friends.  I was planning on telling people I’d tour them around, but they were only allowed to stay one night.  This is based in part on Peter Mayle’s observations on his ‘friends’ who showed up out of the woodwork expecting to stay a couple of weeks at a time and be chauffeured, fed, entertained. She says I can’t set limits or get a too-tiny place to live.  Hunh.

She introduced me to The Productivity Project by Charles Barkley.  Enjoying it very much.  Intend to use much of his ideas in the whole planning and execution of a move.

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