This is getting real. As of Thursday, I have a plane ticket, a place to quarantine in Scotland, renters here in Milton, movers, a contractor to build a storage locker in the basement, and seasonal property maintenance in place. Still left to do? Sell the car, ship the dog, pack the household, and paint & clean the house. Oh, and find a place to live in Orkney. That last one is worrying.
I took the advice of a friend and downloaded Trello project management software. What a difference it makes to staying on top of everything. And there is A LOT to stay on top of. I’ve have sorted the move into a variety of buckets like: The Dog, Finances, Milton House, Orkney Hoose, Packing, etc… And then each bucket is full of tasks. Dozens of tasks (quite possibly hundreds of tasks). And it seems to be working – once I capture a task in the appropriate bucket, (say for example, checking the fire & carbon monoxide alarms, which is now a To-Do in the Milton House bucket), I can stop worrying about it. The mental load is lifted.
It is possible to go too far down the organizational road; last month I actually started a GANTT chart. I started working back from D-Day, with blocks, and arrows, and deadlines, before I realized that might be a tad OTT. So Trello it is. And I do feel very efficient each morning as I sit down and update the list. So there.