I’m Back  (again)

Back in the spring of 2015 LL and I were sitting in my backyard talking about retirement and I mentioned RVing.  Next thing we knew, we were visiting RV Shows, checking out RV sales centres, and even renting RVs for test-run holidays.  Ultimately, the pandemic, retirement dates, my disinclination to visit the United States, and my move to Scotland rearranged who was buying RVs with whom.  Once I started thinking about moving overseas, I advised LL that she shouldn’t put her plans on hold for me, so she and BN bought a beautiful 30’ Class A Entegra, and for two years travelled back and forth across Canada and the US. 

But now it’s my turn.  I was lucky enough to have a job where I was flown all over Canada for the better part of four years.  And as a child, I travelled coast to coast with family and friends.  But I don’t think I’ve ever been more than 30km away from the Trans Canada Highway (or TCH as it’s known on The Rock).  So I’m buying an RV and travelling all across Canada, visiting parts of the country I’ve never seen before.

And this blog is where I will record it.

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