It seems that my oversized bag was not tagged to go through past Dublin to Toronto, which is how it was originally mislaid. I hadn’t heard from Aer Lingus in a few days so I called them this morning. Things were not sounding positive, until the rep Jason asked, ‘Were you travelling alone or with someone?’ ‘Alone,’ I said. ‘Oh, that is too bad,’ he mused under his breath, ‘because I have one here for Reid/Wxxxxxr.’ ‘That’s me! That’s me!’ I started shouting into the phone – ‘that’s the name of the family I am staying with!’
On my luggage label, I had written out my name followed by c/o my sister’s name, street address & town, and my email address. I thought that was what one did when one was staying at someone else’s home and wanted to direct mail & deliveries? But I guess they had seen the double-barreled name and had thought it wasn’t me. If the rep said once, he said four or five times, ‘Oh, look, the contents match your description. The email matches your email. The contents are an exact match.’ Sheesh.
Anyhoo, my case is confirmed to be with United Air in Dublin, and is now flagged to be shipped to YYZ (Pearson) and delivered here to my sister’s house.
I am SO SO SO SO happy.